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Back to Basics!

I have spent the last 8 months writing a novel. It is tough work but I finally have a first draft. I have learned a lot about writing over these past months and I want to share those hard earned lessons in my new course: Back to Basics.

This is a 6 week course that revisits the basics of creative writing. What are the basics? Good question!

  • Show Don't Tell- Why is it important, even necessary for good writing? How is this achieved?

  • Words! Words! Words! These are the tools at our writing disposal. How do we use them to the very best of our ability? Techniques, literary devices and more

  • The Story: Do you know the story you want to tell? Do you know how to make that story happen?

  • Genres: Identifying and choosing one that suits you and knowing the requirements of the genre

  • Composition: story elements - the must haves of a good story

  • Editing and Rewriting. Polishing and submitting.

This course will involve a series of discussions and decisions for and by the writer. It will involve lots of creative writing exercises to get you back to writing fitness.

If you are interested in taking part email me at with any questions or to sign up.

Looking forward to meeting you!


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